As parents or grandparents, we give our little ones a piece of ourselves
in a toy we once treasured or a candy we once craved...
A candy bar wrapper or a toy box may look a little different today than it did when we were kids,
but somehow they are still the same...
A milky way bar, wax lips, a piece of dubble bubble... a slinky, a balsa wood plane, silly putty...
simple. basic.
They connect the generations:
generations past, generations present, generations future.
Perhaps it is what brought us to create our store...
Our family is living the American Dream because our parents lived theirs...
They worked hard to create a “mom and pop” auto repair business that they passed on to the next generation...
It is our family legacy,
built upon the basics of honesty and integrity...
Many candy and toy companies of yesteryear were built on the same premise...
family-operated where business was done on a “handshake”...
where you knew everybody’s name... and shared in their joys and sorrows...
It was a time when you could eat a piece of candy without it being “interactive”
or play with a “spaldeen” ball for hours and hours...
no batteries, no joysticks
just fun.
Everyday, people come into our store for a piece of their “past”.. for themselves or for someone special in their lives
If it is for themselves, that’s easy....they know what they loved...
If it is for someone else, sometimes they need a little help... especially if it is for an “old person”
(we always giggle wondering if they think WE are in that category!)
“My father’s 50th birthday is coming...what were some of the toys and candy from then?”...
"We’re making my parent’s a 60th anniversary surprise party and we have no clue as to what “stuff” was from that era...can you help us with party favors and centerpieces?”...
“Our boss is turning 40...we all chipped in and want to get him a gift that will make him smile...HELP!”
“My favorite aunt is turning 65 and she always gives me the best gifts...I want to give her something memorable from her childhood...she always says she wishes she had her toys from when she was a kid, ‘cause that’s when toys were really toys”...
We could go on and on...
so with that in mind, we have put together a candy / toy “timeline”...
an unofficial listing of what “stuff” was around “when”...
we say “unofficial” ‘cause much of the contents spans the generations...
(basically, it’s a “cheat sheet” for those of us who can’t remember and for those of us who never knew!)
...and remember, we’re always here to answer your questions!
copyright 1982-2025 bobb howard’s general store trademark “we sell old candy” all rights reserved